The Girl on the Train: A Novel

The first is Rachel's point of view, she is the main point of view. Rachel is a drunk and is disgusting. She is the girl on the train and basically she makes up stories to go with this one couple she passes. But the woman vanishes and then she gets caught up in the investigation because she was around the area the night she was disappeared because her ex and his new wife live there. The next is Megan from a year previously and is the woman that is missing in the story.She is married to a controlling man who is suspicious of her cheating on him. This is pretty accurate because she has at least two affairs during the book. The last is Anna, she lives down the street from Megan and is Rachel's ex-husband's new wife.She was extremely naive and bitchy. She was sleeping with Rachel's husband while they were married and blamed Rachel for all of it. She looked down on her husbands ex-wife because Anna was sleeping with him while Rachel and him were married. I love it when there are different point of views but for this book I disliked it because none of the three characters were likable.
But the real reason I disliked the book was I could tell who it was from a fourth of the way into the book. I had to force myself to finish the book after that because there were several scenes that were just so telling that I knew who the villain of the story was.